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The Briermost Foundation

Non-Gov Organization
Certified by OMHAS
Inpatient and Housing Availability:
  • Level 1-Peer to Peer Recovery Housing

    Call for Availability
All services offered:
  • Level 1-Peer to Peer Recovery Housing

  • Recovery Support Groups

Additional information:

Female Services


The Briermost Foundation’s mission is to provide safe, sober and supportive housing to women in recovery from drugs and alcohol and provide purpose in living through learning and training opportunities. We believe in treating people with respect and dignity as they learn to live sober. The goal of our site is to illustrate our methods along with making the starting process easier. **Monthly rent is $480**
The Briermost Foundation’s mission is to provide safe, sober and supportive housing to women in recovery from drugs and alcohol and provide purpose in living through learning and training opportunities. We believe in treating people with respect and dignity as they learn to live sober. The goal of our site is to illustrate our methods along with making the starting process easier. **Monthly rent is $480**
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.