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OhioMeansJobs- Scioto County

Government Organization
All services offered:
  • Financial Assistance

  • Employment Assistance/ Job Readiness

  • Job Training

  • Community Support

  • Education

Additional information:

All Gender Services

Veteran Specific Services

Employees hired through OhioMeansJobs come to work ready to work. Our extensive network of employment and training specialists ensure that job seekers have both the necessary job skills and the desire to become stable, long-term employees. That is what makes OhioMeansJobs different.
Employees hired through OhioMeansJobs come to work ready to work. Our extensive network of employment and training specialists ensure that job seekers have both the necessary job skills and the desire to become stable, long-term employees. That is what makes OhioMeansJobs different.
relink.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.