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Drug & Poison Information Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Non-Gov Organization
All services offered:
  • Medical Emergency/Overdose

  • Community Support

  • Addiction Prevention Programming

Additional information:

All Gender Services

The Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center (DPIC) at Cincinnati Children’s is a 24-hour emergency and information telephone service for anyone with concerns about poison or drugs.The center’s specially trained staff of pharmacists, pharmacologists and nurses and drug / poison information assistants answer questions about poisonings, drug abuse, product contents, substance identification, interactions and adverse reactions.The Drug and Poison Information Center also works to provide you with important prevention information, educational materials, first-aid information, common household hazards and references to national helpline organizations and agencies.
The Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center (DPIC) at Cincinnati Children’s is a 24-hour emergency and information telephone service for anyone with concerns about poison or drugs.The center’s specially trained staff of pharmacists, pharmacologists and nurses and drug / poison information assistants answer questions about poisonings, drug abuse, product contents, substance identification, interactions and adverse reactions.The Drug and Poison Information Center also works to provide you with important prevention information, educational materials, first-aid information, common household hazards and references to national helpline organizations and agencies.
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